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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent

Repentance is sweet

Joel 2:25

“And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.”

Repentance brought restoration.

When they repented, God restored.

But you can’t have restoration without repentance.

We live in a culture that expects God to restore without them ever having to take responsibility for their sin.

Ignoring sin will never equal restoration,

Repentance is a sweet word, because it invites in restoration.

How precious it is to know that you may have let the locusts eat your life, you may have let the locusts eat ALOT. But you’re one choice away from repentance.

You’re one choice away from inviting in the restoration of God. You’re one choice away from allowing him to drive out the locusts eating away at your life, if you will just choose repentance.

Repentance is down played in churches today.

If it’s talked about at all.

We want God to restore, and give to us, but we are unwilling to side with God, against ourselves, in repentance.

It is never easy to repent, because it goes against our human nature to always be “right.”

But repentance is sweet, because when you choose it, when you side with God against yourself, that’s never the end.

It’s never just a bitter cup.

It opens the door and gives him the freedom to restore.

You’re one choice away from changing your life, by repentance.

He is faithful to forgive.

He is a God of restoration.

He wants to give.

It’s time to come home.

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