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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent

Rise up

Isaiah 32:9

“Rise up, ye women that are at ease; hear my voice, ye careless daughters; give ear unto my speech.”

Ease-secure (in a bad sense), haughty, to lull to sleep, to hold the home as in a prison or dungeon.

Careless-to put trust in the wrong place.

Holding your own home hostage, because you refuse to rise up.

Home should be a place you love to come to, not a place you’re looking to escape from.

Yet so many of us have homes we avoid.

Because we have chosen ease over rising up.

We have chosen disobedience over heeding his voice.

Miriam rose to the occasion and brought Pharaoh’s daughter to her mother, so that Moses could grow up knowing about the Lord.

Rahab rose to the occasion, hid the spies, and hung the scarlet cord out her window. She saved her entire family and was in the lineage of Christ.

Deborah rose to the occasion and led an entire nation to victory.

Jael rose to the occasion and killed the enemy who tried to take over her home.

Hannah rose to the occasion and didn’t accept a barren womb, she not only raised Samuel, but more children, all for the glory of the One who heard her prayer.

Ruth rose to the occasion and followed Naomi.

Esther rose to the occasion and saved her nation.

Mary rose to the occasion and was the mother of our Savior.

Over and over again, we are called to rise up.

And over and over again we sit down in ease, ignoring his voice.

And our homes are held hostage by our choices.

Disobedience to heeding his voice is never without consequences.

Don’t imprison your home by choosing ease.

Rise up.

Is there not a cause?

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