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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent

Rivers in the desert

Isaiah 43:19

“Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.”

A desert, by definition, means to be devoid of water.



Without a water supply, the desert often equals a death sentence.

There’s no shelter.

No refreshment.

No escape from the harsh weather.

But in the middle of the harshest of locations, flows a river. The impossible flows in the desert.




Shelter from the dryness of everything around you.

No one chooses a desert.

But you can choose to be a river.

You can choose to let the Lord make you a place of refuge and refreshment, the impossible, in the middle of a desert. A river in the desert isn’t affected by the harsh conditions. It doesn’t allow the desert to change it, it changes the desert.

There’s life, and joy, and rest when it doesn’t make sense.

Your desert doesn’t have to define you.

You can still be a river.

God is a God of impossibilities.

He can do the impossible, the miraculous, for you too!

This desert is not too dry.

It’s not too barren.

It’s not too desolate.

You can still be a river, if you’ll submit to the One who causes it to spring forth.

The God of impossibilities loves to do things that can only be explained by his hand.

There can be rivers in the desert.

You can be a river in the desert.

He is able, the only limit to what he can do is you!

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