“…such a short time, such a long road, all this madness but I know that the silence has brought me to His voice and He says:
I’ve shown them photographs of time beginning.
I’ve walked them through the parted seas.
Angel lullabies, no more teary eyes, who could love them like me?
I will carry you while your heart beats here.
Long beyond the empty cradle, through the coming years.
I will carry you, all my life.
And I will praise the One who has chosen me to carry you!”
Who could love them like Him?
Who could love them more?
Who could hold them closer?
Who could keep them safer?
No one.
Not even me.
They are rocked in peace by the Rock of Ages.
They knew nothing but His voice and my heart beat.
No fear.
No pain.
No loneliness.
Just light and love from a perfect Savior.
The silence brought me to His voice.
I knew him deeper because he chose me to carry you.
And I will praise him for choosing me.
Choosing me to carry you.
Choosing me to love you.
Choosing me to be your mama.
Choosing me to tell other mamas about you.
What a day, glorious day, that will be🤍