Genesis 2:16-17
“And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:
But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.”
Eve stood in a garden, a paradise overflowing with life, where every tree bent low with heaven’s provision. Yet her eyes were fixed on the one thing beyond her reach. Her hands, empty, her soul, longing—not for lack, but for the lure of the forbidden.
She could have been satisfied, nourished by the abundance that surrounded her. But instead, she stood starving before the untouchable, blind to the feast that was already hers.
How often do we do the same? Our hearts ache for what we don’t have, while the blessings that could fill us spill over unnoticed. We hunger for the unattainable, all the while surrounded by God’s overflowing goodness.
Don’t live starved in a land of plenty. Lift your gaze. The garden He has planted for you is not barren; it is alive, teeming with His care.
Turn away from what you don’t have, and behold what He has already given. Taste the sweetness of His provision. Stand in awe of the beauty He has placed before you.
You are not forgotten. You are not lacking. You are surrounded by abundance, if only you will see it.