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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent

…So goes the nation

As the home goes, so goes the church.

As the church goes, so goes the nation.

Our nation is a mess.

The leadership of our nation is a joke.

But how in the world did we get here?

It started in the home. It poisoned the church.

And the church began to lose its power, and the nation began to make its way downhill.

As wives, husbands, mothers, and fathers moved away from the Bible and its standards, the home no longer was a home…it was a house. A place where we sleep. The joy left.

Divorce rates skyrocketed.

The chase ensued after the “American Dream.”

Which led to the American nightmare that we now live in. We left behind the prayer closet. We left behind the Word of God.

We left behind romance in our marriage.

We left behind honoring our husbands.

We left behind keeping our homes.

We left behind loving our kids and letting them know that they are a JOY.

As our homes fell apart, our bitter houses poisoned the church.

The church lost its power because we had left our prayer closets. The church lost God’s presence because he wasn’t welcome in their homes.

The church became a social gathering. If no one got saved, it was okay. We were satisfied. If the Lord wasn’t present in the services, it was okay, we were satisfied…we didn’t want to fix our homes anyway, so going to church was just about easing our conscience.

If prayers went unanswered, it was okay, we could just try to figure something out on our own.

If we missed a few services, it was okay, God is everywhere right? He understands.

We slowly threw out hymn books, for songs that sounded like the songs we heard out in town, but they had the name of Jesus in them.

We loosened up on what version was the truth, “all roads lead to heaven” right?

Our dress standards fell, and you couldn’t tell the church from the world.

As the church lost it’s power, the nation moved away from the truths it had been built upon.

Neighbor against neighbor.

Race against race.

Gender against gender (and there are only 2).

We became desensitized to right and wrong. We became “okay” we basic human rights to life being violated, as millions of babies are murdered in the abortion genocide.

People shoot up schools, targeting innocents.

Some seek to expose children to pornography, drag queens, and teach them that they can use whatever pronouns they want.

Human trafficking runs rampant.

We turn against those who have sacrificed to protect us.

Our government seeks to exalt itself, not benefit the people.

Instead of “one nation under God,” we are a house divided against itself.

We’ve tolerated and tolerated until the tolerance turned into terrorizing. The things we have condoned and said “to each their own,” the things we have been silent about…we are now reaping those consequences.

We look around and point fingers at everyone and everything except ourselves. We holler and scream that something has to change.

Yet we change nothing.

We continue to say “no” to the Lord.

If we want to make a change, start at home.

Start changing your home.

Get back in his word.

Love and honor your spouse.

Get back in the prayer closet.

Take joy in training your children.

Stay faithful to the house of God.

Ask God to revive your home.

Because if your home is revived, it will revive your church. If your church is revived, it can revive the nation.

But it all starts at home.

Your home.

Your home can change the nation.

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

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