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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent

Stop chasing Demas

2 Timothy 4:10

“For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world, and is departed unto Thessalonica; Crescens to Galatia, Titus unto Dalmatia.”

Demas hath forsaken me.

It doesn’t get much more raw than that.

There is heartbreak in this verse.

Heartbreak and disappointment.

Heartbreak and grief.

Grief for what was, and what could be.

Grief because Demas would not finish the course with Paul.

Grief that Demas had chosen what glittered in this world, rather than Jesus.

Forsaking is normal.

People that “stay in” are not.

Yes, Demas forsook him, but Paul did not stop.

His brokenness over someone choosing to walk away did not halt his progress as he pressed toward the mark.

Being forsaken hurts.

Being walked away from will break your heart.

But is it slowing you as you press towards the mark? Are you choosing to chase Demas instead of Jesus?

Paul could’ve placed his ministry on hold and chased Demas, tried to change his mind, tried to tell him how wrong he was for choosing to forsake him.

But instead he acknowledged it, and pressed on, so that we would know that being forsaken happens. It’s painful. But chasing after the one who left is not the goal.

Jesus is.

You’ll be forsaken in life. And it will be painful, it will break your heart. You’ll watch people forsake truth and choose the world over Jesus.

But that should light a fire in you to press towards the mark, not to run after Demas.

You’ll never catch Demas, but you can press towards the mark. Don’t let who has forsaken distract you from reaching forward to what is ahead.

Forsaking is more “normal” than staying in.

Don’t pause your race to chase after Demas.

Stay in.

Press on.

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