You will find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes.
Yes, babies were swaddled then, just as they are now—a tender act of care. But swaddling clothes? Those were meant for binding the broken or wrapping the dead.
And yet, they enveloped Him—the healer of hearts, the mender of souls, the great Physician. He who brings life and light was wrapped in garments meant for brokenness, for death.
The Beginning and the End, the fullness of life itself, swaddled in what symbolized the end of life.
What a profound detail. A tender thread woven into His story—a thread many might never notice. But it’s there, a glimpse of heaven’s perfection in the smallest of moments.
And if God pays such attention to the details of His Son’s arrival, how much more is He attentive to the details of your life? How many moments of beauty, love, and grace have gone unnoticed today?
“You will find Him wrapped in swaddling clothes.”
Not simply swaddled—wrapped in redemption’s promise.
Details. Glorious details.
The glory of heaven wrapped in the frailty of humanity, robed in the fabric of our brokenness. So that we, the broken, might be invited into the holy, behind the veil.
Such is His love.
Such are His glorious details.
