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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent

The favor of God

Genesis 39:21

““But the LORD was with Joseph, and shewed him mercy, and gave him favour in the sight of the keeper of the prison.”

God gave Joseph favor.

But Joseph wasn’t in “fun” places.

He didn’t automatically go to ruler of Egypt, just because the Lord gave him favor.

The favor of God made him a target.

He was sold into slavery by his own family.

He served Potiphar, but was lied on by the wife of Potiphar.

He was thrown in prison, wrongfully.

He was forgotten by those he had tried to help in prison.

Had Joseph simply “given up” or told the Lord he was DONE, and simply followed his flesh, he likely would’ve died in prison.

The favor of God meant his flesh was often uncomfortable. And sometimes, he couldn’t see the favor of God on him. Sometimes he just had to keep choosing God over his flesh, and the favor was seen later.

Just because your life and situations are not ideal right now, doesn’t mean the Lord has forgotten you. It doesn’t mean you don’t have his favor. It may just mean that his favor is about to pour out.

When your family turns against you, the favor of God may be about to fall, if you’ll stay faithful.

When you’re lied about and talked poorly of, the favor of God may be about to fall if you’ll stay faithful.

When you’re forgotten, even though you’ve poured out into those around you, the favor of God may be about to fall.

The favor of God will not fall IN the spotlight.

It falls in the dark.

It falls when no one is looking, but everyone is turning against you.

It falls when you have to choose the Lord over your flesh.

It never falls on stage, it always falls behind the scenes, in your faithfulness that isn’t before the eyes of many.

When things get dark, when your heart is broken, when you feel forsaken, forgotten, and alone…God hasn’t forgotten you.

He may just be about to pour out his favor.

Stay faithful, stay focused.

Favor falls in the dark.

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