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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent

The veil is torn for you

“So let Him unravel

your worry-woven tapestry.

Let Him cut it down to nothing more than severing threads.

Let Him remind you that in the unraveling

of all the things you had planned, He was only paving the way toward a beautifully woven God ordained future up ahead.” MHN

It’s scary to let him sever the threads of worry, overwhelm, and pain. It’s painful.

But there is beauty in torn tapestry.

The veil was torn to let us in.

It let us in to His presence, into the Holy place. The severing of your tapestry, the veil woven by heart breaks, disappointments, and fears, will let him in. He will make this a holy place. It may be painful as he cuts through what you have woven together, to try to protect yourself. But when the veil is torn, there is fellowship. When the veil is torn, this becomes a holy place.

Let him work.

On the darkest day of history, he tore the veil.

On the darkest day, he welcomed us in.

Today may have been a dark day, and your heart may break as he tears the veil in your heart, but oh what sweet fellowship comes from dark days🤍

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