2 Peter 2:7-8
“And delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked:
(For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds;)”
Sodom vexed Lot, but not enough to get out.
It bothered him, but not enough to say something. And certainly not enough to pack his family and leave.
He silence was mistaken for tolerance.
His presence put his stamp of approval on on the city.
It vexed him, but not enough to get out.
Not enough to take a stand.
Not enough to rock the boat.
He lived among open sin, and never said anything against it. He was vexed, but not enough to speak up, not enough to come out from among them and be separate.
What are you vexed over, but not enough to take a stand?
What is your silence approving?
What is your presence tolerating, as Lot’s did?
Sodom was destroyed.
And Lot would’ve been as well, had the Lord not had mercy for the sake of Abraham.
These days may be the most difficult to stand in, but your stand has never been more important. When you choose silence, when you choose to be vexed, but not enough to stand, you choose to hide the truth from a world who desperately needs it.
Let the vexing in your soul be enough to stir you to stand, to stir you to speak the truth, to stir you to seek to make a difference.
Lot’s life didn’t impact anyone positively.
But what if he would’ve been vexed enough to stand?
Yes, he may have chosen the well watered plains of Sodom originally, but what if he would’ve said, “enough” and stood?
How would that have impacted his children?
Would that have impacted someone in Sodom?
We will never know, because Lot was vexed, but not enough to stand.