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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent

Whitewashed Sin

Today has been one of THOSE days.

“I am so over stimulated.”

I said to myself.

“Oh are you? Is that how you’re labeling you wrong spirit now? It comforts you to give it a label?”

The Lord said to my heart.


Let me preface this with the fact that I’m not minimizing health conditions where over stimulation is a side effect. If you’re triggered by this post, read it again and make sure it’s not just conviction.

Back to my point.

Are you just labeling your sin to make yourself feel better? Whether I am truly over stimulated or not today is not the point.

The point is I was slapping a label on a very poor attitude so that I could justify the dark cloud I was placing my home under. I was trying to whitewash plain sin to make it look innocent.

I see people justify a poor spirit and terrible behavior with a label. And it’s praised by our culture.

You can act however you want and it’s not your fault. It’s your surroundings, it’s someone else, it’s your “needs” being neglected.

But a crumb touching my foot at the same time that the baby screams and my husband asks an innocent question while another child runs laps around the couch is NOT an excuse for me to absolutely lose it.

No label can cover my sin enough to allow it a “free pass” under the gaze of a holy God.

As Jesus was thronged by hundreds and even thousands of people at once, he never once lost his composure. And if I’m walking in his steps then I will seek to pattern my reactions after his.

Am I really over stimulated (or fill in the blank)?

Or am I just looking for a way to whitewash my sin?

Is my toddler really driving me crazy?

Or am I looking for label to excuse my sin?

Am I really under appreciated?

Or is my pride looking for a way to justify sin?

Unfortunately, I’m going to answer for ALL of my sin, not just the ones I haven’t tried to excuse.

How much happier would my home be if I simply took responsibility for my attitude, my spirit, how I respond?

How much freedom would I give the Lord to work in the lives of my children, in my marriage if I simply didn’t excuse away sin?

Achan showed us that sin in the camp effects the entire camp.

My sin is the same, no matter how I’ve labeled it.

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