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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent


John 12:12-13

“On the next day much people that were come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem,

Took branches of palm trees, and went forth to meet him, and cried, Hosanna: Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord.”

As he rode into Jerusalem, none of them knew that Calvary was just around the corner,

They didn’t know that this week would end at a tomb.

They didn’t know that Gethsemane was coming.

They couldn’t see the cross from here.

But Jesus could.

As the “Hosannas” rang out around him, I’m sure his heart broke, because he knew that these sounds wouldn’t follow him at the end of the week.

He knew what he was about to face.

He knew that he must satisfy the wrath of God.

But they didn’t know.

But they weren’t worried about tomorrow, they were worried about singing “Hosanna” today.

They didn’t let fear of tomorrow keep them from worship today.

Should they have sung “hosanna” all the way to Calvary? Absolutely, Jesus had already told them he would die and rise again.

But they’re one step ahead of most of us.

They may have struggled to sing “hosanna” on their darkest day. But most of us won’t sing it on our best day because we are too worried about what tomorrow may entail.

They sung, “hosanna” without fear of tomorrow.

They didn’t withhold praise because of fear of what the next sunrise might hold.

They didn’t hold back their “hosanna.”

The recognized that Jesus was before them, they were in his presence, and so they worshipped.

Nothing else mattered but the worship in that moment. Old and young, rich and poor, they all grabbed a palm branch and sang, “Hosanna.”

It didn’t matter who sang “hosanna” next to them. They were all laying palm leaves and singing to the same King. He was their common denominator. It didn’t matter what tomorrow held, or even what the rest of the day might hold.

Jesus was here.

And they were going to worship.

If you’re waiting on the perfect time worship, it’s likely you never will. There will always be something that can hinder if you let it.

Sing “hosanna” today.

Even if nothing seems right, praise him anyway.

He’s worthy.

No matter what may lie ahead, he’s worthy.

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