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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent

Would God say that about you?

“If the Lord wouldn’t say that to you, why are you saying it to yourself?”

Would the Lord say that to you?

Would he, who has more thoughts of you than can be numbered, talk to you in the way you’re allowing your thoughts to talk to you?

Would he, who bore your griefs and carried your sorrows, allow that sentence that plays over and over in your mind, to cross his lips?

Would he, who was despised and rejected for you, talk to you in such a way that he has already suffered for you?

He bore all of the pain for you, so you wouldn’t have to. So why are you talking to yourself in a way that was already nailed to his cross?

Yes, the Lord often must chastise us, as a good Father would.

Yes, we often fail and must repent.

But if that voice inside your head isn’t talking to you like the Lord would, it’s time to rebuke it.

If the Lord wouldn’t talk to you that way, do not entertain those words.

The next time you hear the whispers of failure, defeat, despair, and discouragement…ask yourself, “Would the One who died for me say these things to me?”

If the answer is, “no,” it’s time to rebuke the source.

The Savior values you.

Live like it.

Psalms 139:17-18

“How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!

If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.”

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