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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent

You’ll Answer For Whispers Too

Matthew 12:36-37

“But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.

For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.”

Do nothing that you would not

like God to see. Say nothing you

would not like God to hear. Write

nothing you would not like God to

read. Go no place where you

would not like God to find you.

J.C. Ryle

A lot of people are living like God didn’t see THAT. He didn’t hear THAT.

I did this and no one saw, totally under the radar. I whispered this and no one heard, right? Even the ears of the Almighty missed that one.

But you’ll answer for whispers too.

You’ll answer for all those secret things that you think are so hidden. It will all be laid bare before a thrice holy God who saw it and heard it all…even THAT.

That is such a humbling, sobering thought…because I’ll answer for every idle word. I’ll answer for every move I made.

Nothing escapes his view.

So why do I not live that way?

Why do I live like he didn’t hear that or see that?

Why do I live like I won’t answer for things sometimes?

Nothing escapes his view.

How are you living today?

With the ever present thought that the Lord sees even THAT? Or are you acting as though you won’t answer for it ALL, just the big things?

The little choices matter.

The whispers matter.

The little attitudes matter.

It all matters, it all adds up to who you REALLY are.

Steward your time well.

Because one day, you’ll answer for it all.

And I don’t want to bring shame to his name, even for those things that I may classify as little.

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