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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent

You’re his greatest creation

In the vastness of the heavens, where stars are born and galaxies spin in the dance of eternity, there is an unseen hand that weaves the fabric of all existence. This hand belongs to the Creator, an infinitely powerful and meticulous artist, who sculpts each detail of the universe with purpose and love.

And in His masterpiece, amidst the swirling galaxies and the breath of the wind, He took special care to craft you.

With the same precision that He used to hang the stars in the sky, He painted the depths of your eyes. With the same love that guides the planets in their orbits, He shaped your heart.

You are not merely a part of this world—you are a divine creation, a testament to the Creator’s artistry. Every thought He put into the mountains, every detail He gave to the oceans, He gave a thousandfold more to you. You are His poetry, written in the language of beauty and truth, with every line an expression of His infinite love.

You are the evidence of His handiwork, the living proof of a God who pours His heart into every creation. You are a reminder that in all the grandeur of the universe, His greatest artistry lies not in the stars or the seas, but in the soul He placed within you.

All this, and you are still his greatest artistry.🤍

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