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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent

You’re on His mind

He spoke the world into place.

But he formed man with his hands.

He spoke the words “let there be light.”

But he knit you in your mother’s womb.

He spoke the stars into existence.

And he calls you by name, because he has known you fully, since before you were born.

When he spoke the moon into existence, he saw you, and how it would fascinate you as a child to look up in a dark sky at its pale glow.

When he told the ocean, “you can only go this far.” He saw you, walking on its shore, feeling small as you looked out into its vast waters.

When he spoke the animals and trees and fruit bearing plants into existence, he saw you and provided for you.

When he made Adam and Eve clothes from the skins of that first sacrifice, he saw you and his heart broke. He knew that you would need a sacrifice, you would need a Savior.

When he was born in a manger, he saw you.

When he wept at Lazarus’ tomb, he saw you.

When he was in agony in the garden, he saw you.

When he stood in Pilate’s hall, he saw you.

As they beat him, he saw you.

As he laid down on the cross, he saw you.

As the Father turned his face away, he saw you.

As he gave up his life, willingly, he saw you.

He saw you and all that you could be, all that you could access, if there was a way. So he made a way, because he saw you.

As he walked out of the tomb, on the third day, he saw you. Victory was won.

For you.

All for you.

He saw your need for a Savior.

He saw your need for a Great High Priest who could be touched with the feelings of your infirmities.

He saw all your needs.

And he has provided for each one.

And he will provide for the next one.

He sees.

He’s had you on his mind since time began, and that hasn’t changed.

Psalms 139:17

“How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!”

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