Use hospitality one to another without grudging.
Hospitality-the generous reception of others in your home.
Hospitality is a ministry.
It means that you make the decision to minister to whoever enters your home. Your home is a refuge, a safe place, a place of refreshment, a happy place.
First of all, your home should be hospitable to your husband. That’s almost laughable right? I mean, he lives there so why would it NOT be hospitable?
How many times have husbands come home from a long day, to find their homes in a state of disarray? Their wives with no kind words to say, the cloud of a bitter mood hanging over the entire house? I have been guilty of this so many times…being so focused on perfection that my home is not even hospitable to my own husband.
First and foremost, your home should be a welcoming place for him! He goes out into a world that hates men, to provide for your family, keep your home a safe place for him. Do not make it into yet another war zone.
Secondly, your home should be hospitable to your own children. I catch myself wanting to keep toys out of the floor constantly, refusing to allow my children to even PLAY because I’m so focused on tidinesses.
I’m not promoting laziness and not keeping a clean house for your family. But I am promoting lived in, welcoming spaces for your children to learn and play in, rather than trying to create a room like you see on Instagram.
There may be toys that stay out more often than they are put away, but that signifies happy children at play, children I prayed for. Stop focusing on perfection rather than the little answers to prayer running around you. Your house was made to function, and sometimes function and mess walk hand in hand.
Thirdly, your home should be a welcoming place PERIOD. You’re called to hospitality not a Pinterest board for a living room. Stop waiting for everything to be perfect before you open your house to others. We are called to hospitality without grudging. It’s not a suggestion, it’s a command. And so many of us are living in disobedience because we’re waiting on the perfect situation and circumstance.
Crumbs under the table means your table has been full, and everyone was fed.
Toys scattered on the floor means the children you prayed for, and the children you get to minister to are happy and learning.
Dirty boot prints in the hall means a husband coming home from a long day of work.
Perfection will never be attainable.
But a happy, safe place for everyone who comes in IS something we can attain.
This is a ministry that’s been placed on YOU.
Steward it well🤍