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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent

Your flesh will always choose less

Romans 7:18

“For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.”

When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden,

And they realized that they were naked, they put on the bare minimum to cover their nakedness.

All they used was fig leaves, which was simply one step up from being totally naked.

And God rejected their definition of clothed, and clothed them himself.

God rejected the bare minimum

Immodesty is always rooted in our flesh, the fall, and our old nature.

My pastor brought this out in the service Wednesday night, and it has rolled around in my brain since then.

The flesh always chooses the least amount of effort. If you are not spiritually minded, you will always choose to do the bare minimum, as far as following Jesus.

Adam and Eve tried to define modesty on their own, when it was God who had set every other standard thus far.

Your flesh will try to “redefine” the commandments and standards that the Lord set in place, to make them fit your lifestyle better.

We want Jesus without commandments.

We want an emotional experience without it changing our life.

The flesh will ALWAYS choose the bare minimum, not just in area of clothing, but in every aspect of our lives. We are incapable of choosing the BEST for ourselves, but if we leave the choice up to the one who died for us, he will give us his best every time.

Your flesh will always choose the bare minimum.

Whether that be in what you wear, the music you listen to, the things you watch, the company you keep…but when you let the Lord rule your heart, when you take your hands off the steering wheel, when you choose Jesus and his commandments and his word (instead of trying to separate them)…that’s when you have the opportunity to experience THE BEST.

Since before time began, He has wanted more for you, more than you could ever do for or give to yourself.

Stop choosing the bare minimum, when God has always had far more in store!

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