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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent

Your story

I can imagine, an old man Joshua, looking at a grandson and saying “I saw the walls of Jericho fall, all because we obeyed. Just do the next right thing, the walls will fall.”

I can see the shunamite woman, telling her son’s children, about the day he died. And how she KNEW it would be well, because God doesn’t give to only take away. I can hear her voice break, again, as she tells them how their father breathed new life again that day. And how God saw them, and could work miracles for them too, if they would trust his hand.

I can see Job, telling his children in the latter end, about their siblings waiting on the other side. I can hear him tell about how he SAW the Lord in that ash heap, as his body was covered in sores. Maybe he showed them the scars from his sores, or maybe he took them out to the ashes, and showed them where he said “blessed be the name of the Lord.” And as they heard the power in his voice, they knew that the Lord was worth blessing, even if everything was falling apart.

I can hear Ruth, comforting girls half her age, as they served their families and wondered if the Lord saw them and would hear their plea to be loved. “I just served. And God saw me there, and he sent Boaz to me. I didn’t have to chase anyone, I just had to be about my Father’s business.”

I can hear Paul, telling of Demas forsaking him, yet talking about all those that the Lord had sent in to fill that void. “God never takes without giving again, and giving MORE.”

Over and over, these stories are told and they give hope and healing. We find courage to face another day when we hear of someone else walking this same road and making it.

This season may be long and hard, but there is someone, down the road, who desperately needs to hear your story, that you’ve been there and that you MADE IT. So, they’ll know that Jesus will carry them too.

As you look back on this story, I hope you realize just how powerful it is. And how many people are waiting for YOU to reach them.

This is not in vain.

Stories change the course of history, all it takes is you being in the right place at the right time and sharing yours with a hurting heart🤍

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