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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent

Your Story will be no LESS

Everytime the Lord sent a forerunner, a prophet, or a judge, he sent that baby to a  mother with empty arms.

When he sent babies to, quite literally, change the world…he sent them to women who had borne the ache of longing for a child.

Jesus cares about how your heart aches.

Jesus cares about your longing to hold a little one.

Jesus cares about the grief you carry.

Jesus cares.

He gave Isaac to barren Sarah, even though she was old and it was quite impossible for her to carry a child.

He gave Samson to his barren mother, because she chose to place herself in positions where the Angel of the Lord could meet with her.

He gave John to Elizabeth, even though she was old, even though it was impossible, even though her own husband doubted the Lord’s ability to turn her grave of a womb into a garden.

He gave Samuel to Hannah, even though Eli accused Hannah of drunkenness instead of recognizing her sorrow.

He gave the shunamite woman a son because she chose to be faithful, and serve even though her arms were empty. And when that son died, she chose to get a hold of the Lord until there was restoration in her home.

Your story will be no less miraculous.

He will not treat you as LESS than those women in scripture!

Keep doing what you know to do.

Don’t lose heart, though this seems like such a long, dark night.

He is faithful that promised.

He’s makes a way when there is none.

He breathes life into the lifeless.

He restores.

He gives MORE grace.

And his story for you will never end in ashes.

He cares.

Your story isn’t over.

Lift your head, dear one, he has lost no power.

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