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My entire life, I wanted to be a wife and mother. As I grew older, I wanted to minister to others. The Lord has taken me through some deep waters, and opened avenues of ministry that I may not have chosen myself…but he trusted me with them anyway. He truly does give sweet things from dark places, and I pray I can touch your life for his glory🤍

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She could’ve been full

Genesis 2:16-17 “And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the...

Gentle Christmas

I pray your Christmas is gentle this year. For sometimes, it is not merry. Sometimes, the lights don’t sparkle as they once did, and the...

That’s why he came

We often paint Christmas with the colors of joy—gifts wrapped in ribbons, the hum of laughter, the glow of warm lights, and the rhythm of...

All because of the manger

The inn was full that holy night, so that I might hold on to the hope of seeing those who fill the empty spaces of my heart again....

Mirror the Savior

What feels unbearable now will one day be your testimony. Press on. Though it may ache in places you didn’t know existed, Though the pain...

Weary world rejoices

He was despised and rejected of men. Did Mary’s family turn away from Him, this holy child she carried? Did they refuse to gather near,...


Loved. A small word, yet so immense it’s often hard to grasp. Loved. Even in the absence of affection from another, you are still...

He’s praying for you

Matthew 27:34-35 “They gave him vinegar to drink mingled with gall: and when he had tasted thereof, he would not drink. And they...

Glorious impossible

The Glorious Impossible. Everything He does bears the mark of the miraculous, the weight of wonder, the imprint of eternity. An old man...

He knows the cost

She didn’t pause to fix her appearance, didn’t wait to piece herself back together. Instead, she fell at His feet, unashamed, undone,...

Oh night divine

Her heart swelled with a love so pure it seemed uncontainable as she cradled her firstborn son against her chest. Jesus. The Savior....

They hated Jesus too

They hated Jesus. The One who loved without limit. The One who healed broken bodies and mended shattered souls. The One whose compassion...

Let every heart prepare him room

The innkeeper is a man whose name we do not know, a shadow in the story of glory. On that night, he was pressed by the weight of the...

Glad for your sake

John 11:14-15 “Then said Jesus unto them plainly, Lazarus is dead. And I am glad for your sakes that I was not there, to the intent ye...


Mary couldn’t have grasped the fullness of what the name Jesus would one day mean. She couldn’t have foreseen how it would echo across...

He’s the Master Artist

You are living proof that God is the master Artist. He looked upon you—broken, burdened by sin—and in His boundless mercy, made you...

He’s more than wonderful

Wonderful. Counselor. Mighty God. Prince of Peace. Wonderful. Please, let this season reflect your name— a season full of wonder, because...

Oh what a Savior

When she gazed into his tiny face and sang the lullabies of her people, could she grasp the weight of the name “Savior”? Did she know...

So did they

The hallelujahs began to rise, cascading through the valleys like waves, as the heavens opened wide and angels filled the sky. The rivers...

Would he hear the hammers ring?

Did Joseph understand, as he guided young Jesus in the art of his trade, that one day hammers would echo across a hilltop,driving nails...

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I’m Sarah, farm wife, domestic engineer, taming my free range babies, and loving all things HOME.Homeschool, Homestead, Homemaking. I can’t wait to go HOME with Jesus one day, and see his face and meet my babies in heaven. My goal is pull you closer to Jesus, encourage your heart, and let you know that you’re not in this alone.Pour yourself a cup of coffee and pull up a seat next to me!

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